General Terms of Agreement and Literary Rights


Upon submitting to Liv Literary Journal for online publication, the contributor agrees to the following:

Liv Literary Journal retains the right to use any portion of the contributor’s accepted work(s) for marketing and advertising purposes indefinitely and without notice.

Liv Literary Journal retains the right to use biographies and social media information provided by the contributor for marketing purposes in online formats indefinitely and without notice.

Liv Literary Journal retains the right to withdraw publication offer(s) at any time. 

If Liv Literary Journal suggests modifications to accepted work(s) for publication, the contributor must respond within five business days. After five days, Liv Literary Journal retains the right to publish work(s) with suggested edits or withdraw publication offer(s) altogether.

These general terms of agreement are subject to change. Amended terms shall be made effective once posted at

Liv Literary Journal acquires Digital Rights for accepted work(s) for its online publication that is posted on Accepted work(s) will remain published in the Liv Literary Journal indefinitely until Liv Literary Journal decides to remove it/them. Accepted work(s) featured on can be deleted at the author(s) request.  

The contributor agrees that the work(s) submitted is/are their own. The contributor owns the copyright(s), and the work(s) are not in violation or infringement of any existing copyright(s) or license(s).

Liv Literary Journal currently does not pay contributors for their work(s).

Literary rights are subject to change at any time. Amended literary rights shall be made effective at